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Inclusivity Statement

In the Urban ReLeaf project, we are implementing inclusive communication practices. We are making our communications more readable, engaging, and accessible to all. We also like to support equal access to information and equal opportunities for participation for all audiences. As such, our goal is to create an inclusive environment where everyone can belong and collaborate for greater outcomes.  

 In our inclusive communication practices, we endorse the following principles:  

  • All communications are respectful, accurate, accessible and relevant to all, 
  • Language, processes and words are free from stereotypes and biases,  
  • Everyone has a fair opportunity to participate, no matter who or where they are,  
  • Everyone feels valued and can contribute their perspectives, 
  • Decisions shall include representatives to whom the decision applies. 

These inclusive communication guidelines are applicable to all our events and workshops, technology resources, information and design, and any online or offline interaction. It applies to all project partners and any participant or stakeholder involved in the Urban ReLeaf project.  

Our ethical values 

Our communication practices are guided by the following values:  

  • Mutual respect: Our communications and interactions are based on mutual respect. We engage in active listening and promote a respectful dialogue.   
  • Equality: We encourage people from a range of diverse backgrounds and identities to take part in the project. We actively seek to include people whose voices are often ignored, and ensure that information, venues and formats are accessible to all.   
  • Democratic participation: We encourage all participants to contribute meaningfully to decision-making and other aspects in the research. Participatory research methods are used to build on, share and develop different skills and expertise. All participants understand the purpose and implication of the research and can make an informed decision about their participation. 
  • Integrity: We ensure an accurate and honest analysis and reporting of the results. All processes and procedures promote impartiality and fairness.  
  • Reciprocity: We acknowledge the participants’ time and efforts. All parties understand the project in terms of shared goals, dedication, and responsibility.   
Reporting inappropriate conduct 

In a growth-oriented mindset, we are all learning how to be more inclusive. Therefore, the partners of the Urban ReLeaf project receive training to develop and share understanding about these principles and values. There is a periodic evaluation to monitor its effectiveness.   

If anyone believes that they or another individual has been subjected to conduct prohibited by these guidelines, then concerns can be raised to any project partner of the Urban ReLeaf consortium or via email