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Creating a greener, liveable and inclusive Dundee

3 min read • 14th June 2023

Dundee, a vibrant Scottish city with a population of 149,000, is taking decisive action in the face of climate change challenges. In 2019, Dundee declared a Climate Emergency and conducted a City Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment, resulting in a comprehensive Climate Action Plan. This plan prioritises resilience and the implementation of Blue-Green Infrastructure (BGI). 

In an inspiring workshop held on May 24th 2023, 35 individuals from diverse backgrounds came together, including decision-makers and those directly affected by green planning decisions. The Objective was to explore collaborative citizen engagement strategies to address challenges, particularly in neighbourhoods with limited access to green spaces. 

During the workshop, participants stressed the importance of inclusivity and identified key groups, these were young and senior individuals, as well as vulnerable communities. 

The workshop highlighted the need for a liveable city that includes good quality, accessible, and safe blue and green spaces that not only help to tackle the effects of climate change but also deliver substantial social, economic, and environmental benefits to the community. 

Exciting opportunities lie ahead. There is a chance to deepen our understanding of liveable cities and explore innovative nature-based plans, such as green and blue corridors, to effectively manage flood risk. The workshop participants also expressed a strong interest in understanding the value of trees and inclusive green spaces as destinations that enhance physical and mental well-being. Ideas emerged around the evolving perceptions of managed and “wild” areas, igniting enthusiasm for storytelling as a way of exploring the possibilities for placemaking now and in the future. Additionally, the importance of changing behaviours through community stewardship was explored, for instance through the creation of a tree registry. 

By embracing these ideas, Dundee aims to promote an inclusive approach prioritising health, well-being, social cohesion, and resilience of its citizens and the planet.